Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Yesterday, I woke up and look at my blank calendar and didn't know what to think. Do you know how long it has been since we had an entirely blank weekly calendar? There was one week in November of 2007 that was blank, and one week in October of 2006 that was blank, and before that was the last week of August in 2006. The week prior to her ECI evaluation. We have had only TWO blank weeks since then. Two empty weeks in the span of one year and six months. Two free weeks out of 78 of them. I don't know what to do with an empty week anymore. I wondered how many empty weeks might stretch out before us until KayTar once again has the services and care she needs.

Yesterday, I received a phone call from the school district. They can get us in earlier, next week actually, which is such a relief. This week I have a phone interview. Next week, KayTar has two additional evaluations (not to mention our social security meeting), and in two weeks, they are coming for a home visit.

Yesterday, I called our local university to inquire about their speech program. They are sending out a packet for completion. KayTar will likely qualify for their summer program, which means she might not have to be without services this summer.

Yesterday, I sent emails out regarding our insurance situation. Someone almost immediately replied from the CDF. If you'd like to see some interesting statistical data regarding uninsured kids, visit that link or the one on my sidebar. I don't know if anything will come from this, but what does trying hurt? If no one can help us, well then, things will just stay the same, but if someone can help us? Then it is worth the tiny effort of sending off some emails. They are calling me for a phone interview this week.

Yesterday, I completed an application for the Shriner's Hospital. I need to run it past our pediatrician before sending it and I'll likely call the hospital today to make sure they do see kids like KayTar (she is considered low needs in the orthopedic department), but I finished the application regardless.

Yesterday, I found a way to fill the blank space on the calendar...working to make sure that these empty spaces are only temporary. As much as I enjoy the down time, it means my sweet girl isn't getting everything she needs, and we just can't have that.

PS: I'm still accepting interview questions. ;)


Beck said...

Look how RED her hair is! What a gorgeous girl!
You're such a good mama.

Ben and Bennie said...

Really. You are an incredible mama. I wish I had some answers for you Kyla. In the meantime I've let our South Carolina congress-idiots know about your situation and how they've dropped the ball. Of course all I've gotten so far are form letter e-mails back.

That'll probably stop after the fourth or fifth attempts at getting their attention.

Anonymous said...

Your such a fighter!

painted maypole said...

oh, what a great mommy you are.

ms blue said...

The empty days are for breathing deeply. Sometimes you need that too. She's so beautiful.

InTheFastLane said...

Maybe, just maybe, you were blessed with KayTar so that you could be a force for change. At least you are still fighting and goodness knows that this country can you the kind of fight that you've got.

Anonymous said...

here's to your calendar filling soon - she's so lovely, that girl of yours. I hope you are finding ways to keep up your strength for this fight.

Becca said...

You are an inspiration! I know she has a bright future with such a strong Mama!

~aj~ said...

You go, Mama! KayTar is in such good hands. I'm sure it's all going to work out!

flutter said...

No, we can't have that at all.

She is so beautiful look at that HAIR.

Chaotic Joy said...

I read this and thought the same thing as everyone else. God really knew what He was doing when he gave Kaytar to you. You are an amazing mom. Truly.

I somehow feel that if I were you I would be sitting there crying into my coffee, not taking on the world. You are so inspirational.

Aliki2006 said...

She is gorgeous--her hair is so lovely in that picture!

It's a double-edged sword--I hope you get those services and all the help your sweet girl needs ASAP!

OhTheJoys said...

You are the most fierce warrior mamma ever!

PJ said...

I look at that angelic little face and am overwhelmed. She is untroubled and happy because her mother takes such good care of her. I don't know you at all, Kyla, but you are truly an amazing mother.

Christine said...

that is the loveliest picture of your sweetie pie. i hope those dates fill up so kaytar can get the services she needs.

Running on empty

moplans said...

I hope you enjoy your week off. Such great news about the other programs and the summer camp!

Girlplustwo said...

where does all of this incredible grace come from?

Janet said...

She's lucky to have a mama like you.

kittenpie said...

I am totally keeping my fingers crossed that the CDF can step up for you or force someone to do right.

And my god, that picture is STUNNING!