Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Interview

Want to hear something surreal?

Our story is being told today in a hearing at our state Senate. If you follow the link, it is the Committee on Health and Human Services at top of the page. There is audio and video, but for some reason I can't access it on my computer.

Our story. In the Senate. Wow.

The interview went well, with the exception of BubTar shouting "Mooooom! Come wipe my buuuuuutt!" while she was tape recording the conversation. CLASSY! Honestly, I feel like I ramble on at times, but she said I did really well. It felt like it went well.

At the end she said, "Did L tell you that your story will probably be used on a national, as well as state level?"

I'm sure I answered with an eloquent, "Uhhhhhhhhh....okay, sure." while my mouth hung agape.

Then she said, "And we may want you to speak to the media, too."

And I passed out. Okay, I DIDN'T pass out. But I thought about it.

And she also said there is a book being published this year that our little tale might end up in, too.

That's when my head exploded. Okay, not REALLY. But almost.

Wow. Just wow.

Also, the CDF will be one of the featured charities on American Idol's Idol Gives Back show on April 9th. They are going to be working to get our story (and other's, too) up on their website so it is ready for any traffic the show generates.

Crazy, right? RIGHT.

I'm entirely out of my comfort zone here, and yet, onward we march. It is such an important cause, not only because it personally affects our family, but because it affects so many families and it is swept under the rug so often. There is a gross misconception about the state of healthcare in our nation and it is time that people realized that. And so I'm sharing our story. What else is there for me to do?

PS: Photos from Austin, as promised, and as stolen from Jana's flickr.

Me, Julie, Sage

Sage, Jana, Me


carrie said...

The Senate? WOW! I'm clapping and waving my hands in the air for you. That is incredible!

And look at you gorgeous ladies! :)

Lee Laughlin said...

Kyla You Rock!!

Family Adventure said...

Kyla, I am SOOOO proud of you!! What you are doing -- so far out of your comfort zone -- is one day going to be a world of difference to so many people.

So ROCK ON girl. I can't wait to see what happens next.

Hugs - Heidi

PS: Great pictures!

Anonymous said...

This post made me weepy with pride Kyla. There is just no other like you, or Josh, or the little Tars.

kittenpie said...

Wow. Just wow. I sure hope this does a whole honking heap of good, Kyla. for you, and for the thousands of others who need the help to get treated the way they should be.

Aliki2006 said...

You go, girl--you rock! This is wonderful news...!

Beck said...

WOW! That is awesome. I hope so much good change comes from all of this.

Gretchen said...

Go girl! That's great and just what needs done. After Simon was born I sent press releases out to papers and tv to tell our story--just to spread the word of this syndrome. If the average person won't talk--no one else will.

I hope it all pays off and soon!

motherbumper said...

Next stop: White House.

flutter said...

That's my girl! You are amazing and this is going to reap large things, girl.

and also? Sage? Swoon!

Becca said...

Awesome! You are so cool. And I love the Austin pictures! Looks like a great time.

InTheFastLane said...

Kyla!!! Awesome! I will keep praying that all this talk will get you all the health care that KayTar needs. Keep it up!

alejna said...

Oh, wow. That's just amazing. I'm so thrilled. Did I say wow? Because wow.

You are doing great things. I really believe that your voice is getting heard. And how incredible that you are reaching a wider audience.

You rock.

NotSoSage said...

Kyla, you are so amazing. This is such an important story to tell and you are finding so many ways to do it.

I miss you already, but it sounds like you had some important work to get back to.


jo(e) said...

Wow! What exciting news.

You amaze me. You've not only handled all this that has come your way ... but now you are moving out of your comfort zone so that you can help others.

Mad said...

Holy crap.

OK, America, now it is time to vote. Who do you want to see as your next Idol? I vote 1-866-KYLA.

BTW, I NEED Jana's dress. I MUST have it.

S said...

You go, girl! You've taken all of us by storm, so it is fitting that you should take the entire world by storm!

Kristin said...

Whoa. The link didn't work for me for audio or video either but whoa.

You rock.

Run ANC said...

THIS IS SO EXCITING! Surely it will move things along...?

Janet said...

That is a complete blow mind.

I think you have the soul of a crusader, dear Kyla, even if you don't know it. Good, good stuff.

anon said...

Rock on Klya! Rock on!

Rebecca said...

That is crazy... crazy COOL! Good job.

Sarcasta-Mom said...

That is awsome!!! You're living proof that one person can truely make a differnce. Rock on!

Christine said...

I just tried to leave some longwinded absurdly excited comment, so if this is in duplicate please delete away...

But really! OMG! I'm so proud of you guys.

I hope that when all this ends not only Kaytar but others like her will have access to the healthcare they need.

moplans said...

Gaahhh I can barely focus here because I am SO JEALOUS of your trip and simultaneously SO HAPPY that your story is being shared.
Kyla this is wonderful, it is right and it is heartening that attention is being brought to this cause.
No family should have to go through what you have to access health care.

Julie Pippert said...

Blow us all away, you do.

Here's to the greater good.

And dude, I need to go to Jana's Flickr site. Austin was fun. Love the photos.

metro mama said...

Wow! Fantastic! Go girl!

Anonymous said...

wow, amazing! Really crazy amazing! Keep it up!

Hilary said...

March 26 archive
has working audio & video of the Health & Human Services Committee hearing; I haven't gotten to your story in it yet -- it's 6 hours, 35 minutes long! But if you want to skim...

Hilary said...

ooops. The stream you want is actually the Senate Committee on State Affairs.
Which is 7 hours, but it starts on the insurance quite quickly.

PJ said...

Terrific news about your story. You are sooooo right. There are many families in your situation...and many moms are neither so verbally talented nor able to follow through for whatever reason. Way to go!! I'm with Lee "Kyla, you rock!!"

ewe are here said...

Freaking brilliant.

I really, really hope this makes a difference in your health care fight!

Christine said...

kyla, this is beyond real! it is, indeed, surreal as you said.

but man lady, change is in the air. and you have something to do with that. you really, really, do.


painted maypole said...

i just love the idea of THINKING about passing out. like you might think "oooh... I could pass out here. but that would be inconvenient. and not cool. so i will rather just stand with my mouth agape, and maybe make a surprised noise instead"

and.... cool.

katrynka said...

Hi, I tried to go listen to your presentation. but sadly I was only able to download the entire 6+ hours!! So I was not able to tease out where you were in all that. I was very interested in what you have to say:(