She and BubTar were out on the trampoline, Josh was in the kitchen with the back door open, listening for the kids and keeping an eye on things, I was off doing something, I can't remember what.
Josh called me and said, "SHE JUST WALKED ACROSS THE TRAMPOLINE!" (I have to use caps because he was definitely speaking in all caps at the time)
I said, "Whatever, you liar. Stop joking around."
And he said, again with the caps, "NO REALLY! SHE DID! SHE DID IT!"
With that, the little squirt stood up and darted forward with a drunken, wobbly stumble. I nearly peed my pants as I darted to get my camera.
And by that evening, she was doing it on solid ground, too.
What can I say? At the time, it felt like the very best moment of my life. The miracle of my slumpy baby standing and walking, finally, was more than my heart could stand. It was amazing. It is definitely in the top 4 moments of all time, right up there with marrying Josh and seeing my babies for the first time. It has been a wild, wobbly year, complete with an ER trip on Mother's Day for a bit of dermabonding, but it has been miraculous to watch her grow and change and learn how to walk on her own two feet.

This brought tears to my eyes. Those videos were so beautiful. Yay, KayTar! What an amazing girl.
First steps on a trampoline! She's amazing.
Thanks for sharing this special slice of your life.
Yeah KayTar!!! I am sure there will be so many more "firsts" in your journey.
Oh, those videos made me SO happy! How wonderful.
I could watch those videos over and over again. You go girl!
(and Bub looks so young - how much he has grown over the year).
I'm teary, too--happy anniversary to K.!!
That was an exciting day, indeed. Happy walk-aversary, KayTar!
that must have been one hell of a moment, Kyla.
happy anniversary, beautiful girl. :)
um...that was me. Dave had apparently logged in.
That's awesome. really. really it is. :)
Awesome, awesome! I love it. I remember it the first time, and now it is amazing to recall how much has happened since.
I can't believe her first steps were on a trampoline of all things!
What a great day to remember!
i think reading about Kaytar walking was one of the first posts of yours that i read...
xo to all of you!
that little girl melts me.
Oh Kyla! This made me cry. What an amazing moment that must have been, after waiting for so long.
Look how far she's come.
she's precious.
you, too.
What a moment. That must have felt like light breaking through clouds.
Oh, crying! Happy anniverary, KayTar.
She's grown so much!!! Congratulations KayTar -- 1 year of walking!
wow that's amazing. my daughter didn't walk until 25 months either and there is no way she could have walked across a trampoline then.
Awww. I got a little sniffly watching those videos too. That KayTar. She kills me.
She's so beautiful, Kyla. I can just imagine your joy in that moment.
Wow she's sweet. My katie kept asking to see the video over and over yesterday.
oh kaytar--you're a gift to us all.
Running on empty
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