First, I was excited about this....

Then I drove to meet Julie for dinner (with the windows down, so as to fully enjoy the snow). After dinner, I had to wipe nearly an inch of snow from my car windows and arrived home to find this...

So I immediately did this...

Then Josh and I did this...

Then Josh made a giant snowball...

It was up past my shoes!

I've lived in Texas for 21 years now. It snowed once when I was in 5th grade, but it looked more like that first photo at the top. Then it snowed in 2004, but I don't even think it was a full inch. This was miraculous. It may never snow like this again here, but it sure was fun!
I can look out my window this morning and still see the snow covering everything, though the snow on the grass is quickly melting. Our snowman has lost his head, but his body still stands. Josh's giant ball is still intact, too. For a few hours last night everything else, every problem we've got, was covered with a snowy white blanket and for a little while, ceased to exist. It was quite a gift.
What fun! I think it snowed one time in the 24 years I lived in Southern California. We need some more snow here. The white has melted into ugliness.
That was your "done with finals, welcome to the holidays" present! I love the angel and that snowman is huge! I can't imagine. So fun!
You're welcome.
That snow was from me... I figured Colorado had enough so I sent some down to you. :)
We have a huge snowball like that in our backyard... Your snow man is way cool! I especially love the Mr. Potato Head accents!
That was a nice gift. I'm glad you got to get out and enjoy it. I love the Mr. Potato head snowman.
You guys totally deserved this!!! I love that you and Josh had so much fun playing in the snow. Those are memories you'll have for a lifetime!
Did you save any for the kids to play in? The LITTLE kids? :)
And I was excited about our sleet! How cool! I had no idea you guys got that much snow. Looks like tons of fun.
Wow. Just wow.
The first snowfall always brings the most magic. Even more so when it's likely going to be the ONLY snowfall, I would imagine. ;)
I only wish I could get that excited by snow because it IS cool. We just get too damn much of it up here to appreciate...
I know -- isn't it awesome?! So magical. We showed it off to our little guy. He loved the snowman our neighbor's kids built.
I love it
Ha, ha! The Potato Head stuff is a really nice touch.
Did you guys leave any for the for the kids to play with?
I gotta say, Kyla, you make a beautiful snow angel.
Heh. I would have fun with snow too if it only happened once every 10 years or so. Glad you had some comic relief.
We get a snow like that once every few years here in GA and it is just as you described. Beautiful. Miraculous. Life stops. I am so glad you had that.
I feel guilty that I didn't get the kids from school when we realized it really was going to SNOW... granted, we didn't get as much as you guys (nor do we have a yard for it to collect in, really) BUT STILL... anything 'measurable' in New Orleans is amazing!!! I'm glad you all got to enjoy it, too!
Awesome!! Here in CA's Bay Area, it hasn't snowed since something like 1960.
Incidentally, the blogosphere invaded my dreams last night... or at least, KayTar did! She was apparently leading me through an exercise in lucid dreaming, because we and the people around us were able to do all sorts of awesome transformations! I vaguely recall playing with a big dragon-man form briefly.
...then KayTar got a major runny nose and was so upset she nearly melted, but I got her to calm down and carried her over to some sort of high-tech exhibit where we played a video game using only our eyes. She was better at it than I was, too. XD
i love the magic with which snow is greeted, particularly in places where it's rare.
your snow man rocks.
I'm so jealous I can't even imagine. We talked about it with a few kids and it was so sad to hear all these kids say they'd never seen snow.
Oh- hmmm I guess 2 of my three haven't seen it either!
Snow has an amazing magical quality doesn't it? I adore walking in the snow around the neighborhood...all quiet. I hope it snows here soon!
Potato head parts - BRILLIANT!
And I was in Dallas once in January and it started to snow - and they blamed me.
These photos made me laugh, really laugh.
Just one more reason you should move to Canada!
And have now finally gotten to go back and read everything I missed... glad surgeries went well and Kay is recovering, though I hope that tissue stops growing over. Do you get a break between terms that might help you feel better about school?
And I cannot believe you have to worry about the insurance thing again! That is so wrong. Although I will say that I am at least glad you got to do all that medical stuff while you were covered and with the tonsil removal, she may be slightly less sick? And you are covered with the G-button to prevent for future dehydration scares and so on, so thankfully until it gets sorted once more, you have a decent chance of getting throught it without expensive disaster.
Still, I don't know how you carry it all. You are, I must say, a pretty amazing lady. I only wish I could help.
That is just amazing. And how funny that it came just a couple of days after your "hell freezes over" post!
I love the photos, too.
I love that you made a snow angel!
Snow angels! Snow men! It's so exotic to me, living in Georgia!
that is SO cool kyla! I love that you and josh went out there like big kids should and played, lol!
Oh, I loved this.
WE have ice storms today. I do not love that.
it was cool!
Sweet! That's some good snow. And in Texas? wow.
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