KayTar brought home a (feverish, snotty) souvenir from her well-child visit on Monday. Well-child visit. I think the name alone is enough to bring on the jinx.
We almost made it through February healthy. The shortest month of the year and we can't get through it with out spiking at least ONE fever. Sounds about right.
The problem with bringing children in for regular check ups, is that the waiting rooms have an equal number of 'sick' children being brought in. Germs galore.
Hope she feels better quick.
Grr. Just a few hours to go before you cleared February. Oh well. Bigs hugs to your feverish little girl.
Grr. Just a few hours to go before you cleared February. Oh well. Bigs hugs to your feverish little girl.
Hope she feels better soon :)
poor kid!
Peds should just do home visits, wouldn't that totally rock? Look at all that pretty hair!
she really does have thick, lustrous hair. i wish my peep would grow hers a little nicer. don't tell her i said that, though.
Oops. I think you picked up a little Murphy when you stopped by my place.
Poor little pet. Feel better.
Awwwww......gotta hate it when the kids feel sick!
Poor baby girl!
Poor babe. Hope this is short-lived.
Unrelated, but do you realize how big she looks in that photo? I'd swear she was a 5 year old!
It's a leap-year, Kyla. That must be it. Otherwise she'd have made it for sure!
PS Adorable picture, though, as always.
Poor thing! She looks so grown up though! I hope she feels better soon.
Feel better...
Poor KayTar. Hope she feels better soon
Like AJ said, she DOES look like a very big girl in that photo...I know you've had to work for her 30 pounds, work hard, but she looks very healthy...minus her expression.
Poor baby.
We have a well-child visit today. They have seperate well and sick waiting rooms. We'll see...
I didn't mean 'big' like BIG...more like older....
I'd be mad if someone said I was big. :)
Oh NO! Man I hate doctors' offices and hospitals for that very reason.
Here's to health soon.
And was LOL about your study partner, BubTar. I bet you remember that information forever!
Our peds office has two separate sides--sick and well, but even then you can just SEE the germs floating back and forth. Blech.
I hope she's better soon.
Oh look at that face!
This is the EXACT reason I am considering a sick-visits only policy with the pediatrician.
You were so SO close.
oh poor button. Damn germy offices.
get well little Kaytar.
I hear ya. My family has been sick since our three year old started preschool last Fall. Constantly - no break. Sorry you didn't get your sick-free February ... there's always March ... or April ... or May :)
I don't understand why they don't just douse each person with hand sanitizer from head to toe when they visit the doctor!
Hope she feels better soon, poor baby!
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