Friday, February 01, 2008

Open to interpretation.

Today BubTar doesn't have school. KayTar had speech this morning, and because BubTar spent yesterday morning with my mom due to the Big Eval, I decided to just bring him along with us. He has never come before, because I try to keep his life as normal as possible and schedule him to spend time with people and do fun things in lieu of spending half his time in KayTar-related waiting rooms. He was oddly excited about going and I tried to make it clear it was pretty boring for the two of us, as we just sat quietly and watched the whole time. He was still excited, so I was happy he was coming along to see where we go each week.

Afterwards, I said, "Was it everything you thought it would be?"

And he said, "Mom, I thought there was a STAGE and I thought she could talk like a real WOMAN when I wasn't around. I thought she only acted like a baby at home. I thought we'd be watching her on the stage!"

I guess he has been thinking that she was living a double life as a famous orator who only PRETENDED to be a speech-impaired toddler. The reality was a bit of a let down, I think, just a bit of reading along with some manipulatives. I wonder what other bits of silliness live in that little brain of his.


painted maypole said...

well, you know "speech" so she would be giving speeches. it makes a weird kind of sense. i often wonder what MQ thinks happens at places she hasn't been.

Family Adventure said...

"talk like a real WOMAN" - I love that line!!

Hope you all have a good weekend! :)


~aj~ said...

Now that is funny! Not that BubTar felt let down, of course, but the fact that he had this whole other life for KayTar built up in his head.

I agree with Heidi. "talk like a real WOMAN"...OMG that could not be any funnier. I just have to think about him saying it and I break into a huge grin. :)

Julie Pippert said...

Oh LOL...their literal little minds. It's great.

But oh...still. Sigh. Us too, BubTar, us too.

Becca said...

Haha, so sweet! "Speech" therapy. Of course!

Poor little guy.

Girlplustwo said...

good for you for teaching him well.

Kristin said...

"Talk like a real woman" Ohmygosh that is HYSTERICAL. Serioiusly, I'm still laughing.

A stage...

Oh, the things a boys mind can dream up. I'm sorry he was let down by the "performance" but that is too too cute.

Amy said...

That Bubtar! That line was too funny. LOL. The things that kids come up with!

Christine said...

oh my! i seriously LOVE the hidden little ideas and fantasies in a kid's brain.

Running on empty

Anonymous said...

I just can't get beyond those big blue eyes! Pictures of Bubtar are always so spectacular.

Anonymous said...

yes, their inside thoughts can be so bemusing when they come out.

motherbumper said...

So let me get this straight - she doesn't lead a double life? Hey I used to wonder why my dad always packed a soupcase when he left on trips - what's with all the soup?

I liked it better when I thought he was carrying soup everywhere.

ewe are here said...

Kind of makes sense, I suppose... speech therapy, giving speeches... and kids are soooo literal.


Beck said...

You know, it's funny but it's sad, too. Poor disappointed Bubtar.

Jenny, the Bloggess said...

Ha! I love the fact that he referred to her as a "WOMAN".


InTheFastLane said...

HE! You never know what is going on their little heads.

Bea said...

This made me laugh and laugh.

flutter said...

I love that kid.

Katie said...

Oh my, that is just fabulously funny! God Bless that kid!

Run ANC said...

how sweet!

Aliki2006 said...

On the stage! That's too funny...and understandable, too.

amanda said...

Oh how sweet. It just goes to prove that there are no flaws in the eyes of a least at that age- meanness comes later.

moplans said...

he's so cute.