I know it is Wordless Wednesday, but it is also Delurking Day! So I'm calling you out...yes, you! Back there in the shadows, wearing the trench coat and dark glasses! I see you here all the time, but you just sneak in and out, so quietly. Today is a holiday just for you, say hello! I'd love to meet you.
To give you a topic of conversation (other than telling me how cute the kids are, because, let's face it...squishy little babies are always adorable) I offer this question: What is your favorite late night snack?
This isn't hardball, so speak up! :)
PS: In case you missed it, KayTar learned to somersault last night and there is a lovely video just there. Usually I don't stack posts so close together, but today was a double whammy so I bent the rules.
We know each other already, but did you know I read?? Anyway, my favortite late night snack is either chips or cookies and milk! :) Depends on if I want something sweet or salty!! Happy Delurking Day! :)
Hi, I've commented once or twice before, but I read every day. Delurking is not my specialty!
Two words -- RITZ CRACKERS -- that buttery salty crunch, maybe with some peanut butter if I'm feeling wild. MMMMMMM......
I'm one of the lurkers; I subscribe to your blog and read it regularly but I don't have a blogger account and I can't remember if I've ever commented before. I'm a medical student interested in maybe doing developmental pediatrics and one day working with kids like KayTar and I love reading your blog!
Hi Kyla! Milk and cookies, hands down!
Okay, I guess I just learned what delurking meant. Thanks. I always comment on your blog, but now I think I need to harass the delurkers on my site because there are MANY. AND I NEED CONSTANT FEEDBACK.
Anyway, chocolate or ice cream. But not chocolate ice cream. It's not real chocolate.
and more chocolate
with a chocolate chaser
and occasionally popcorn.
I would say Chocolate but since I eat it all and there is none in the house then I would say cereal. Just plain corn flakes with honey on top will do.
Now I'm conflicted - do I do a Delurking Day post, or do I wait for Delurking WEEK???
Beautiful babes!
I try to not indulge in the late night snack. I really can't remember the last time I had one. However, if I could choose anything it would probably be a custard-filled chocolate donut. YUM!
Should I leave a wordless comment? I'm so confused.
My favorite late night snack: CEREAL. A bowl of cereal with marshmellows.
Melt some chocolate, add some peanut butter, stick a marshmallow in the middle, nuke it for 10 seconds and then stir - sure all my teeth have fallen out but DAMN it's good.
And OMG those pictures made my ovaries ache. Sorry was that TMI?
Mmmmmm midnight snack might be a noontime snack today.
YAY on the somesault! Love those baby eyes in your WW.
well, i can't really delurk, now can I? but i love the pics.
well I'm not a lurker but my favourite snack is chocolate!
Taco Dip!!!!!
Look at KayTar go!!!!!!
Precious photos!
Congrats on summersaulting. Yay!
And...graham crackers and milk are a great late night snack for me.
Beautiful baby. Cookies. The somersaulting, too funny.
Such sweet babies! I don't think I have ever seen a pic of Bubtar from around that age.
My fav. late night snack...
OREOS AND MILK! Almost every night.
Okay, you caught me! I've been reading for at least six months! Your kids are beautiful, even though I'm not supposed to say that. Favorite late night snack? Um...popcorn? Dry roasted peanuts? It's too hard to pick just one...
Oh. Your babies...
Gin. My favorite snack is gin. With some olives in it and the faintest hint of vermouth.
Or, really, anything salty, sugary, fatty, or some magical combination thereof.
Not at all a lurker,
Oh. Cute cute photos, too. Really.
Umm, CHOCOLATE..are there other late night snacks??
Well, the thing I'm always craving is a smoothie, so I'm no fun. But Mike's fav latenight snack is mozzerella sticks!
OOh, I went for the 'orange' delurking button, too. ;-)
Love the pics! They get big so fast, don't they?
It depends on what's in house - but if I can't find anything interesting I always go for a spoonful of peanut butter. Also, anything chocolate (even Hershey's syrup straight into my mouth - don't tell my kids).
We never have snacks in the house...so I love to get a handful of chocolate chips (supposedly kept in the house for making cookies lol) and mix with a handful of raisins. So yummy.
I've moved on from rice krispies and onto ice cream for late night treats!
By the way, I love when you break the rules w/extra posts ;)
hmm I comment, maybe not enough, so I am not sure if I am truly a lurker.
Look at her go!! Wow that is so cool and those pictures!!! makes it so hard to not one another one.
Favorite snack. Marshmellows, omg, so good!!!!
All right, all right. I'll come out of lurkdom. I love your blog and read every day. Bubtar reminds me so much of my daughter. Kaytar is such a doll and I love celebrating her milestones and achievements with you. And, I snack on pretzels almost every night.
Ice cream! Coffee or chocolate chip mint are my favorite. But sometimes only salt will do....salt & vinegar potato chips.
Now I'm hungry.
Hey. I'm lurking this week, so I will delurk JUST FOR YOU KYLA.
My favorite late night snack is Wine. :)
I'm not a lurker but I love the soy vanilla and mango sorbet from Trader Joe's--it's perfect right around 10:00 pm.
Gorgeous pictures! And congrats to Kay-tar for her somersaults!
You're one of my favorite stops. The video is so special! Some kids don't get that until much older.
Check out my blog...I have a link to my attempt to be funny on ebay.
The beauty. Sigh.
Hi there, hmmm you caught me. I loved your comments on DDM's blog that I had to check you out. Then I just fell in love with the Tar's that I couldn't stay away. Bubtar reminds me so much of my oldest boy, and who could resist Kaytar. She has amazed me over the past several months with all of her growth and development. Your such a strong woman, an inspiration to all mothers. I just had a baby so I need all the inspiration I can get and your humor brings laughter to my busy day! Thanks for sharing your life.
I missed delurking day. I'm a bad mofo. But not bad in a good way. Just bad altogether.
chips or popcorn. As long as it's salty.
The kids are too cute not to mention, and I'll take a bowl of cheerios pretty much every night ;)
can i answer the question even if i am not a lurker? stalker maybe, but lurker no. ;-)
favorite late night snack--popcorn!
Snack? Did somebody say snack?
Ice Cream.
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