Wednesday, November 05, 2008

She smiled.

This morning started infinitely better than yesterday. She's still far from herself, but I did get one tiny smile. She woke up at about 5am, while it was still dark out, and just fell asleep a few minutes ago (about 8:30am). She watched Tinkerbell and her pain seemed to be managed, though not absent.

Her doctors came by to visit, all at the same time strangely enough. The plan is to continue with IV morphine and start clear fluids today, start oral/g-button pain meds and solids/Pediasure tomorrow, and then go home if all goes to plan. It sounds lovely to me, as I slept for probably an hour and a half last night, between the darling baby (who is amazingly adorable and friendly) next door being awake and QUITE unhappy most of the night, and vitals checks, and KayTar's intermittent moaning. It won't be an easy recovery, even at home...but the promise of home in a couple days sounds great.

After waiting 7 hours for a room? We ended up with the penthouse suite. Check it out!

And, of course, the girl.

A couple of her owies. (I'll spare you the g-button, as it is still draining and not really ready for its close up. Also, if I had smell-o-vision, I'd share the DELIGHTFUL smell of post T&A is disgustingly impressive. Be thankful I have no smell-o-vision.)

Now, I'm optimistically going to attempt a nap. Fat chance as the ambulances are in full force and the darling baby next door seems to be agitated again, but a girl can (day)dream, can't she?


ewe are here said...

Wow! You could host a mini-blogher conference in that room. We could all help entertain your wee brave girl and fetch things for you two.

I'm sorry we can't, actually...

I'm glad she smiled.

Anonymous said...

Man, what a room!!! We could get 3 of Ben's hospital visits in there!
And I truly don't miss any of the owies, pokes, prods, sticks, breath, and meds.

Hang in there kiddo. It'll be a distant memory soon.

Carrie said...

WOW - look at how huge that room is. Heck I think that's bigger than my living room. I am happy to hear that K's pain is being managed. I hope things keep on track and that she feels better soon!

Magpie said...

That is one swank hospital room. But I hope you're all home soon. All best and a quick recovery.

Jaden Paige said...

I'm so glad she's feeling a little better!!

Oh, and also glad that you aren't having to sleep on the radiator in the windowsill, as my poor mom had to when I was giving birth! The penthouse suite is a treat, I'm sure, even if you're not getting much sleep...

Hope everything goes as planned and soon you are back home!

Karianna said...

Oh yes, the post-T&A breath. Thanks for reminding me. :) Mine vomited (old) blood a lot, too, so that added to the lovely smell.

Glad she smiled. Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery. Hooray on the excellent room!

Becca said...

Sleeping in hospitals is impossible! I'm glad to hear you will be home soon and that everything went well. Speedy recovery!

InTheFastLane said...

That couch bed thing is WAY better than the last one I slept in. Of course the bed does not guarantee sleep in the hospital. I hope all goes well and you only have one more night there. Recovery at home is still better.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it's over and your baby girl is doing well. As for the room, wow. I have never seen a hospital room that big, ever!

Hope she's back up on her feet soon.

crazymumma said...

add a little kiss from me to the kazillion I know you are already giving her.

flutter said...

well you guys deserve the penthouse, methinks

Anonymous said...

Thank you for updating. Praying for a quick recovery and some rest for all! That is a very nice room! Wow!

Bon said...

have been thinking of you and KayTar and am happy all is slowly finding its way to the new normal. here's to some sleep for you, and as little pain as possible in the adjustment.

amanda said...

I am so glad she came through with flying colors... I am pleased to see that you were well treated by the hospital and given the penthouse suite. Good things DO come to those who wait :)

Anonymous said...

So glad it went well and hope her pain gets better fast. And you totally deserve that penthouse suite. Thinking of you and your little precious one.

Mad said...

She is so strong. So are you.

AJsMom said...

Is she at TCH or at MHCH? I love that we have such great children's hospitals here.

motherbumper said...

A well deserved penthouse indeed. I'm so happy that she smiled and I wish her pain away. Wishing a speedy recovery xoxoxoxo the bumps

Anonymous said...

glad today is a little better. glad home is soon.

Gwen said...

Oh, Kyla, she's so tiny in that big old bed! It kinda breaks my heart, even though I know it's supposed to be all good.

Wishing you both a speedy, complication free recovery.

Kristin said...

That is one impressive room. Too bad your little fold out couch bed is so could fit something much much bigger in there. OH well. Can't complain, right???

I'm so thrilled to hear she's doing a little better today. She looks so delicate in her big ol' bed.

jeanie said...

Oh I am glad she found a smile for her mum - because I think her mum is feeling a few owies too.

Lots of hugs and I hope this means things are going to be a lot easier for her and you.

Beck said...

The very title of this post made me burst into tears. Poor baby girl. I'm glad that she's feeling happier today. And that is one heck of an awesome hospital room.

Woman in a Window said...

Crockies! I'd be a nightmare, skip the daydreams, with only an hour and a half. Sure hoping things improve fast and you guys get yourselves home.

Chickenbells said...

I'm so glad she smiled. I hope her recovery goes splendidly...that room looks bigger than mine here at home.

Mandy Luchtefeld said...

I'm glad things are looking up! Recovery is not easy, but hopefully she'll be dancing around soon. :)

Mandy <3

moplans said...

Fingers crossed you are home soon!

Mimi said...

Oh Kyla! What a couple of days! Your poor, brave girl. God, and you with no sleep. I wish you rest--I wish Kaytar comfort.

That's a heckuva room btw ...

Run ANC said...

Oh, I'm so so glad that all went well. (And wow, that is quite the room.)

Girlplustwo said...

oh honey. i'm so glad things went as well as they could. she looks so small there in that bed.