Friday, December 07, 2007

I'm just broken...

My friend Katie is losing her son, on the heels of losing her mother.

He will be gone before Christmas. Before he turns eight in January. They say maybe before this weekend is even over.

He will leave behind his mom and dad and five siblings.

Go, please, do that thing you all do so well. Let's wrap our thoughts and hearts and words around her and her family, because our arms can't quite reach across the distance. I know it isn't enough, not nearly enough, but it is something, something to let her know she is being thought of and lifted up through the darkest and heaviest season of her life. The darkest and heaviest season any of us can imagine.

Go here or here, please.

I don't have any words, Katie, but you all have my heart, especially your sweet Jakiepoo.


Becca said...

This is such a heartbreaking story. I cannot imagine what they are going through. You are a kind friend.

Julie Pippert said...

So tough. So heartbreaking. I'm so, so sorry.

Using My Words

Don Mills Diva said...

I have tears in my eyes. I don't even know your friend but I am sending her my love.

Anonymous said...

I'm so very sorry. And I will go - and I'll be thinking of her and of you.

Jenny, the Bloggess said...

To terrible for words. I'm going right now.

flutter said...

Oh. Oh, I just...

moplans said...

It is not right she should have to suffer this.
As others have said, she is lucky to have you as a friend.

Junie's Blog said...

It really is the worst thing ever . . .

Aliki2006 said...

Oh, this is so awful. I was actually just thinking about your friend today for some reason and wondering how I could check up on things. How heartbreaking--how tragic. I will think about them so very hard this weekend...

dawn224 said...

I will. I am.

Girlplustwo said...

oh honey. of course.

i've missed you.

Ben and Bennie said...

Wow. You and I had the thoughts today, Kyla. I'll be honest and say it has been very difficult to read her blog. The memory of an experience not too long ago still burns inside. But we are courageous people. We must do what it takes to comfort our own.

Sarah said...

I am so sorry. I don't know what to say except that I am praying for her healing. I will hold my children tighter tonight.

Anonymous said...

Those are sweet words Kyla. My heart is breaking for Katie and her family. Love, Cori

Catherine said...

Oh, Oh. I can't imagine...

Laura said...

Sending prayers and love to the entire family. My God be with them and may they one day be able to rejoice and celebrate their son's short life. How very sad.

Cristina said...

This should never happen to a mother. I cannot even imagine the heartbreak she is feeling. I will go visit her.

carrie said...

It's too much for anyone to have to bear. I was hoping that beautiful boy would improve - it just isn't fair.

Again, your friend is lucky to have you spreading hope and sympathies her way.

Christine said...

oh my. i just reemerge here to hear this horrid news. i am so terribly sorry. you are so good to think of them and their impending loss. xoxo

crazymumma said...

oh no. No. That is so unfair.

I am so more than sorry.

words are not adequate.