Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Brag-a-thon 2007

On Sunday, my sweet little KayTar started walking. Finally. At 24 months and 24 days in this world, she stood up on her own two feet and walked forward of her own accord. It just happened. She was on the trampoline with BubTar and Josh was watching them from the kitchen door(the tramp is enclosed, we call it the Cage of Doom, and it is three steps out the kitchen door) and he said "I can't believe I just saw that." I asked, "What?" and he replied, "KayTar just stood up on her own and walked to BubTar." to which I then replied, "LIAR! SHUT UP!" And went to watch for myself. And she did it! Ang she did it again! And again! 2 hours later, we took the video you saw of her doing it like a pro across the room. BAM! And she can do it, just like that. She realized, "Wow! You can stand up from the GROUND? Really?? THAT makes a lot more sense. Sheesh." She is still crawling a VAST amount, but out of the corner of my eye I'll see her just get up and go, and it shocks me to the core every single time. Unbelievable. I couldn't sleep the first night, I just laid in bed with adrenaline coursing through my veins, because my baby can walk. Good God.

On Monday, she uttered her first two word combo, "Big car!" while pointing to a truck.

On Tuesday, she repeated "Big car!" 300 times, just to be sure we heard her the first 299 times.

On Wednesday, in feeding therapy, she drew a snake. All on her own. She had a green marker that she used to color a blob, attached to a line going down into a big swirly. Then she lifted the marker and said/signed "Snake!" And it looked like a snake. She also critiqued the therapists attempt at art. She requested that the therapist draw a dog, but upon seeing the finished product, KayTar exclaimed "Cat!" and pointed at the so-called dog. Then she picked up the marker, handed it BACK to the therapist and said "Dog!" demanding it be done properly and to her artistic satisfaction. She also colored in tiny circles on the drawing of a car. The circles were the diameter of a pencil eraser, and she scarcely got out of the lines. The therapist kept commenting on how intelligent and advanced she is. Her FT said she thinks KayTar would make a great architect because she is so good with artistic details and her fine motor skills.

In occupational therapy, she was making lots of artistic markings on the page, obviously with some sort of purpose I could not identify, and then she stopped and said "J!" and pointed to a spot on the page. And there WAS a J, crossed on top and all, no bigger than an inch tall. Purposeful? Who knows. But the kid drew a J and she just turned two last month. Her OT said she is very advanced for her age cognitively. She used the word savant because her cognitive functioning is so much higher than her other levels of functioning. I don't know about THAT, but she is definitely not going by anyone else's milestone chart!!

In other news, I've discovered her feet can turn over 180 degrees. I'm talking, her heel is on top, toenails face down on the floor. Both feet can do this. It is WEIRD. I'll have to take a picture of it for you all when she's feeling cooperative.

Still no MRI results. I had a dream that the pediatrician knew the results were not good, but she didn't want to tell us and kill our "She's WALKING!" buzz. *lol* The subconscious mind. Gotta love it, right?


Jessica said...

Wow, that is absolutely a Bragfest of 2007. I am in awe of how far she has come and what a difference the new doctor has made. This week has been an amazing week for you guys and I am so happy for you.

OhTheJoys said...

Aw, such milestones! Congrats!

Beck said...

Wonderful stuff. I love the J story. I tried to get the Baby to identify a magnetic letter O the other day and she said "donut" and then tried to eat it. :)

Kyla said...

Beck: OMG! That is hilarious, but what do you expect? She is growing up in the magical land of cookies the size of her head. Baked goods are all she knows! *lol*

Anonymous said...

I read but don't always make comments. This is great to hear. My now 9 yo son with CP was never expected to speak, walk or have measurable intelligence. At age 2 years all our hard work and therapy began to show. Just try to quiet him, sit him down or win a debate with him now!

Keep up with great work with Kaytar.

Mad said...

Bring it on! Brag away. This is all great news.

Anonymous said...

This is all very exciting!!! Yay!

And she is absolutely cognitively advanced. I told you, didn't I?

NotSoSage said...

Yay! Good news! And more, I hope, for you soon, with the MRI results.


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a week! KayTar's knocking over those milestones like dominoes!! Congratulations!

motherbumper said...

All of this is totally brag worthy - way to go Kaytar and Mom (and family :)

jo(e) said...

She's come so far! It's so exciting to hear about all the developments.

Anonymous said...

she's amazing!

Debu's Blog said...


After doctors we seems to be think that all are in his (GOD) hands...but I would like to say...all are our hands...don't worry...he will be stable....make some courrage....

Sonia Wetzel Photography said...

Yaaaaaaaay! All great stuff she's doing!!!
No MRI results for us yet either. I just called the Doc office looking for them.

cinnamon gurl said...

Wow, that's great! And the feet feat (sorry - couldn't resist) is amazing

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news!!

Kelly said...

Amazing - I definitely think that deserves to be bragged from the roof tops!


WarriorMom said...

Yay, Kaytar!