This weekend the boys had a camping trip with BubTar's cub scout pack at a water park we vacationed at a couple of summers ago. The scouts were tent camping, but originally KayTar and I planned to go along and stay in a delightful air-conditioned cabin with electricity, water, and CABLE TV. She doesn't do well in heat and let's be honest, neither do I. I was born in Alaska and my biological thermostat was calibrated to a much cooler set of temperatures. Well, by the time the boys set the dates for their trip, all the cabins were booked up. I knew KayTar would be pretty disappointed to miss out on the water park if she had nothing else to look forward to, so we made plans for our own camping trip, Troop Beverly Hills a nice hotel downtown near a very fun park! ;) We got a great rate on Expedia and only spent one night there, but we packed in plenty of fun. Last night before bed, KayTar said, "We're such a good mom and daughter!" and rated the night "1000 out of 1 to 100."
KayTar and her crazy eyes on the elevator. |
Her lunchlady impression. Free shower caps are fun. |
Being goofy in the hall mirror. |
KayTar's favorite part of any hotel room, the telephone! |
KayTar, her rock Cece, and me. |
The ballpark right out our window. |
The super fun park, also outside our window. |
KayTar's TV chair. |
KayTar's aunt/my best friend R came out to visit and spend the evening with us. We had dinner in the room, then went to the park for a while. |
After the park, we went to the indoor pool. |
KayTar said, "I know indoor pools are very rare, because I've never seen one before!" |
The 3 B's of bedtime...bear, blankey, and bolus feeds. |
I love this one of her and her bear. |
The fountains were off when we went to the park last night, so we went back the morning. |
She looks pretty thrilled here. |
I love her little lifted foot. |
Classic. |
It was less than 24 hours, and 30 minutes out of every 2 hours between 8am-10pm was spent hooked up to her pump, but we sure had a good time together! It was a wonderful way to start wrapping up our summers. I can't believe we just have a week left, and part of that will be spent at the hospital for diagnostic testing. KayTar is already trying to plan another camping trip for December...we just have to survive this semester first! :)
Speaking of school, I recently found out that I made the Dean's List AND got into Scholars Academy (like honor society for STEM majors, comes with scholarship money and such) and my presentation on Retinoblastoma is going to be up on the GEOSET website any day now. I'm too chicken to actually watch it, but it'll look good on applications, right? ;)
So great that you had a little girls' weekend with her and holy congrats on doing so well in school!
Congrats on your accomplishments, not surprising. Wish I had one more week - we start tomorrow. So much anxiety transitioning kids into new school, but I know we will do fine. Good luck!
1000 out of 100. Love it.
Congrats on the academic honors!
What a fun night/day!
It is a treat when we get one kid/ one parent time around here.
That is my kind of camping! She is such a funny kid - I love the lunch lady routine. And the park near the hotel is AWESOME.
Congratulations on making the Dean's list - that is an amazing accomplishment!
That looks like such a fun trip! Would be neat to make it an annual thing for you and your girl. She's do make quite a pair!
(PS I like how you captioned the photos...very nice!)
Sounds and looks like it was loads of fun. I lovedt the photos!
And go you on the accomplishments!
The 3 b's of bedtime cracked me up! Kaytar is getting so big!
Congrats on the school news!
good job!
Congrats on Deans List and scholarship!! You should feel really proud! My kind of camping trip those overnight hotel jaunts:))
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