Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Baby BubTar

Agh! My first baby will be five in five days. How did this happen? Did I blink? Five sounds perfectly ancient, I'm sure he will be moving to a retirement community in Florida any day now. *sigh* In honor of my elderly young man, today is the first of five days of BubTar.

He came into this world after 14 hours of labor that I scarcely recall due to medication I received, but I remember every moment after. He was 8 pounds 4 ounces and 19.5 inches long (I think they measured wrong, and he was about an inch taller). He was born ready for anything. By three weeks he was standing in my lap when I held him. He was a big eater, and I had to supplement to keep him full and happy. By 3 months we started cereal to control THE HUNGER! He hit his milestones on time or before time. He was happy and friendly and loving. God, was he a snuggle bunny. Sweet, sweet snuggle bunny.

When he was about a month old, we had our one and only health scare. The pediatrician discovered he had a hole at the base of his tailbone, where the skin had not fused closed completely and he suspected perhaps the tailbone had not closed either. I had to take him to the Children's Hospital for an ultrasound. I remember feeling so tiny in that giant hospital...the hospital we frequent almost weekly these days. I remember the outfit he was wearing, I remember my heart pounding in my chest, I remember pleading in my mind for everything to be okay with my precious little boy. And of course, it was okay, but I'll never forget those feelings.

Did I mention he was adorable?

On his first birthday...


NotSoSage said...

Kyla! Those eyes! He had them so early...he is gorgeous.

Speaking of which...that first photo. It looks as though it was taken in a studio. So stunning.

~aj~ said...

His eyes are just amazing. I'm sure you hear this all the time. He's such a handsome young man, but he was just as cute as a baby.

Beck said...

Happy birthday! He's always been such a beautiful boy... and yes, five does feel like the beginning of being grown up, the end of being a very young child, doesn't it!

Kristin said...

Look at Bubba! Wow, he was and is a cutie. And a GREAT big bro. Thanks for sharing those...I like seeing him on the blog from time to time.

natalie said...

Five days of fun! I can't wait to learn more and more about him. I'm having a terrible time with the 18 month milestone...I can't imagine 5 whole years!

motherbumper said...

Oh happy early birthday BubTar. His eyes, oh his eyes, those photos Kyla are amazing.

cinnamon gurl said...

SO adorable!! FANtastic photos!

Happy Birthday Bubtar!

anon said...

Happy Birthday! I love seeing his photos. He is adorable.

I Katie is better. We've been so busy I haven't had time or motivation to comment. But I do read your blog regularly.