Josh was out of town all weekend and when he came home? He had a migraine and was worthless. I had a huge list of things that MUST BE ACCOMPLISHED ON SUNDAY WHEN JOSH GETS HOME and it just didn't happen. Sometime in the last two years I've morphed into this list-making, prioritizing, planning type person, and when it doesn't happen it makes me crazy. To be honest, I was totally pissed about that damn migraine. I mean, yes, poor Josh, indeed, I would not want to trade places with him. But the list of things to do was SHOUTING IN MY HEAD and the clock just kept spinning and the kids were cranky and all they wanted was their dad and the migraine was the bane of my existence. I'm pretty sure I did non-helpful things like wake him up and ask, "Are you SURE you can't take more medicine? SURE?!" and maybe also, "ARE YOU BETTER YET?! I HAVE THINGS TO DOOOOOO." Yes, petulant child, thy name is Kyla.
Eventually he started to feel better and I was able to go out and do one of the things on my list. One. I bought slacks for tomorrow. Two pairs actually, because I think the Universe was rewarding me for not physically dragging Josh out of bed, because I can never find slacks that fit properly. But I couldn't find a shirt, so I think that was the Universe punishing me for nagging at Josh when he was sick. It looks like I'm going to the press conference topless. I'm pretty sure that will get me on the news, though. Bonus.
Then last night as I turned over to fall asleep I muttered something about, "Did you remember to talk to your boss about taking the day off Tuesday?" to which Josh replied, "WHAT?! TAKE THE DAY OFF? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" and I said, "Uhhhh, you know, when I asked if you and the kids wanted to come to the press conference, you said, 'No, I'll just keep the kids at home." which I interpreted as you would keep the kids at home. Are you kidding me?" When I turned over to look at his face, it was clear he was NOT joking, he had just misspoke during the original conversation. Niiice. Long, long story-about how people can only pay attention to what you actually say and not somehow magically know what you are thinking is different than what you are speaking-short, he is going to take the day off tomorrow as planned, but I'm really glad I happened to mention that last night or else we'd have had major problems tomorrow. Eek!
This morning BubTar asked me where I was going tomorrow, and I told him I was going to Austin to speak at the Capitol building in front of reporters and cameras and such and he said, "Sure, Mom. Whatever." and rolled his eyes. Awesome.
Haha, I love Bub's response. I was going to offer to watch the kiddos while you were in the press conference if Josh hadn't been able to. Glad it all worked out. Good luck!!
oh man kyla--the stress level at your place must be through the roof. try and hang in there--you'll do great tomorrow and everything will fall into place as it should. and i've never seen a topless press conference before--should be interesting!
I have those lists too, and no patience for sickness. Good luck at the press conference!
You are going to rock that conference, topless or not. ;)
I am SO excited for you!!
Is Bub getting close to seven? I've found seven year olds to be the Masters of Eye Rolling.
You're going to ROCK the Capitol tomorrow! Even without wearing a shirt. Although you probably SHOULD.
I'm so anxious, excited, nervous and thrilled for you and tomorrow's press conference. I can NOT wait until I get a full report.
PS: But I am sorry for your crappy Sunday. Really. And BubTar sounds like a teenager-in-the-making. :)
Oh geez. You can do it! Especially topless ...
my partner had a migraine too at a very inconvenient time last week when I had so. much. shit. to. do.. How dare they?? lol. good luck with your press conference! wow.
Topless press conferences are the BEST kind. You should probably keep the kidlets at home, though. Just sayin'.
tell ya what, I'll be topless on tueday.
You know, in solidarity.
Oh, thank goodness for those last-minute catches! I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.
So, you're not at all anxious right?
I've had a case of stupid husband myself lately ;)
Now, quit stressing and get ready to drive top-less to Austin tomorrow and knock their socks right off!
Good luck! Topless and all, I'm sure you'll be great...
not only go topless, but sit K on top of the podium with you.
you are so going to rock this.
it's so awesome I'm frickin breathless for your sake. it sounds terrifying and amazing and I'm so proud to know you, Kyla.
also, worthless husbands = bleah.
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