Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Patient Note

 5 year old female presenting with 5 days of febrile illness per her mother's report. Patient also complains of cough, congestion, wheezing, and occasional loose stools. Mother is treating with acetaminophen and ibuprofen for the fever, Mucinex and Albuterol for the cough and wheezing, and Benadryl for the congestion, all as needed. Patient may have hallucinated during a fever spike two nights ago, as she adamantly insists that her brother was hiding underneath her table at 3am. Patient is in good spirits and thoroughly enjoying her sick days.


Christine said...

feel better soon sweet girl!

InTheFastLane said...

That is a yucky high fever....Hope she is feeling better soon.

Gizabeth Shyder said...

Looks like Kay loves her little animals as much as C. What is it about adorable plastic animals that soothes a 7 year old soul?

~aj~ said...

These are some of my favorite pictures of KayTar. Feel better soon, sweet girl!