Monday, November 08, 2010

All better!

KayTar's swallowing issues got progressively better over the weekend and I daresay we're back to normal now! I think that she had either inflammation in her esophagus from the vomiting last weekend or perhaps some anxiety triggered by all of that, but whatever the cause, it seems like things are functioning properly again and I am so glad.

The whole thing really took me by surprise. Things have been steadily improving for KayTar for so long now that the thought of something deteriorating without warning was really frightening. It reminded me that although we know so much more about KayTar than we used to, we still don't really know the underlying condition that has triggered any of her symptoms or what the long term prognosis is. I have faith that the amazing improvements we've seen will continue, but when things like this happen it reminds me that there are no guarantees. Honestly, there are no guarantees in parenting of any kind, but it is especially true when dealing with a child who has special medical or developmental needs. The moment you discover that something is "wrong" with your child, you lose the ability to envision the future the way you always have. As things with KayTar have changed so much over the past couple of years, I've begun to take things for granted again and believe that this steady uphill climb will continue to be an uphill climb. When she started to have trouble swallowing, I suddenly felt the ground shift between my feet and somehow we were suddenly going downhill without warning. It is a relief to know that it was simply a small dip in the terrain rather than a permanent change in direction, but it reminded me that out here on the road less traveled, there isn't a road map and we've just got to take each step as it comes.


Becca said...

Ugh, that is scary! Glad it is getting better.

Magpie said...

i'm glad that was a momentary dip in the road.

Gizabeth Shyder said...

Your dedication and perseverance are truly heartwarming. You and Kay are in my thoughts always!

flutter said...

well you can't say that little one doesn't keep you on your toes.

I am so glad she's doing better

~aj~ said...

I am so relieved to hear this, Kyla! I've been meaning to ask you about it. If there is one thing I know it is that life with KayTar will always be full of surprises!

painted maypole said...

glad it's better. scary stuff.

InTheFastLane said...

You never know what will be next on this journey....

Anonymous said...

I'm glad she is feeling better. How much more do you have left to finish your degree?