This is one of those cool hardback books with the appearance of a homemade journal, with envelopes and notes, and all kinds of cool extras (including a backward spinning pocket watch).
2. Blast Lab

BubTar is really into science and science experiments right now and this one has simple experiments to do at home, that seem to have a very high fun factor.
3. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw

4. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days

He got the first two books in this series today (to start reading now), so I decided to pick the rest up for Christmas. The trick will be some how preventing him from burning through the first two too fast!
5. Diary of a Wimpy Kid Do-It-Yourself Book

He was very interested in this fun do-it-yourself version of Wimpy Kid, too, so I snatched it up.
6. Guinness World Records: Gamer's Edition 2009

I bought him a Guinness Book of World Records the year he was born (2002) and he has been dragging it around everywhere lately, it only stands to reason that he would love an updated version that deals with one of his favorite hobbies, video games! My mom bought this one for him.
I also purchased a Phinneas and Ferb book (a KayTar and BubTar pick), Dora Saves the Crystal Kingdom (a KayTar pick), Wimpy Kid #2 (a BubTar pick), and Nighttime: Too Scared to Sleep (a collection of mildly scary stories I chose for BubTar)...all for a surprising grand total of $24! Volunteering in the library has its perks, evidently, one of which is MAJOR discounts on Book Fair fare. I intended to pay full price for these, but the surprise at the register sure was nice!
Isn't reading the best!! When Bubtar gets just a bit older you need to get him Percy & the Olympians series by Rick Riordan. I often read what my son is reading and I have to say - I am hooked. There are 5 in the series so far with a 6th one on the way (I can't wait!!!). Looks like Bubtar & my son have a lot of the same reading tastes - I think we have all of those books!!!
these look great! I want that first one for me.
i know I won't get that kind of discount when I volunteer (because I didn't get one last year, either)
Like Tami, I read a lot of books for kids that my nephew would like so I can report back to my sister...who hates to read...if he would like them and if they are appropriate for his age. I also read them in hopes that my own little boy will eventually like to read them (he is only 5). So, if you haven't heard of them yet...I am hooked on "The 39 Clues" a series that has 5 so far and the sixth is due out in about a week or 2. Very exciting, fun and educational...but don't tell the kids they are educational! The even have an internet component that makes them kinda like a book version of Webkins and they come with colector cards so you can try to figure out the clues also.
hi babe! i'm just saying hey, peeking in, seeing what is up.
miss you xo
Wow, what a deal you got!
Just reading about those books made me want to read them myself, especially that first one of BubTar's...very cool!
M's book fair is this week, so I sent in $10 for her to buy whatever she wanted. Tonight, I ran by for the extended hours so I could pick out a few more "literature" type stories. Of course, I had her with me, so we got the Crystal Kingdom book, too! She's so very into Dora right now.
Our book fair at school is next week. I can't wait to buy a few more treasures!!!
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