Saturday, August 29, 2009

Week One

It was a big week here at the 'Tar house!

On Monday, Josh and I started our fall term, both of us taking full course loads. BubTar started Cub Scouts Monday evening and it was also my first ten to midnight volunteer shift!

Tuesday, the kids started school at their new campus. Drop off and pick up were insane and I was feeling a little uneasy. The kids both came home in great moods and KayTar said it is, "Way more fun than last year!"

Wednesday, I had a bit of a meltdown over the whole new school thing. I was having difficulty communicating with KayTar's teacher and when you've got a kid with medical issues that is supremely important! On Wednesday night, KayTar started having respiratory problems. Of course.

By Thursday we had worked out the communication issues and the kids were both still reporting EXCELLENT days after school each day. We were doing much better!

On Friday morning, BubTar had a sobfest. He did not want to go to his new school and everything in the world was wrong. I felt terrible for the poor guy, but we still sent him to school. He walked in with such sad little slumped shoulders. Sigh. I made super fun after school plans for him, we were going to pick up his best friend for a sleepover and have after school snacks at Sonic. When I picked him up, he told me he had a wonderful day! He was all smiles, even before he figured out the surprises. I felt much better, too. KayTar was snotty and sickly after school, but we were happy she made it through the first week without an absence.

I went to Bunco last night and while I was there, Josh called me to tell me he had tested KayTar's glucose and it was 403! If you don't know about glucose, that is GO TO THE HOSPITAL high. I freaked, obviously, and asked him to check it again. He was very flustered (he isn't used to being the medical bad guy) and the meter errored on him. I rushed home to check it for myself, in the pouring rain, wondering if we were going to have to spend the night in the hospital. Once I got home and checked it, it was a nice normal 111. WHEW! I checked it again 20 minutes later to make sure and it was 98 that time. I don't know what that 403 was about, but it sure scared us! She was also running a fever by this point, 101.7 (first fever of the school year, 4 days in). Poor thing was (and is) so miserable. Last night was rough, she couldn't breathe well, she was vomiting, and was having some issues with apnea (as far as I can tell) which made her panic in the night. Eventually she settled in, though. Last night/this morning we had a brief period of Dehydration Roulette, as is the routine, but after a bolus of Pedialyte, we had a small wet diaper. That brings you up to date! The rest of the day will be spent lazing around, pushing fluids and meds, recopying my Chem and Bio notes. Aren't we exciting?


Jenny, the Bloggess said...

I'm exhausted just reading this. You are some kind of superhero.

Pgoodness said...

Phew, you sure are a wonder-mom! They are lucky to have you!

Becca said...

You guys are awesome!

flutter said...

you amaze me, you truly do

painted maypole said...

exciting? exhausting!!!

Hope Kaytar feels better soon!

InTheFastLane said...

right back in the swing of things!
I hope Bub has a better week.

Gwen said...

Hope week two has all the excellence and none of the drama of week one.

Cori said...

I am tierd just reading that. I hope the kids stay healthy...

Christine said...

dude--that is busy week, but it sounds like you all survived in tact. maybe the glucose tester wasn't working right when the high reading came up then showed error?

hope you've had some rest since you wrote this...


~aj~ said...

Wow, what a week!

It's just wonderful that the kids are loving school so much...even if Bub wasn't so excited on Friday morning. At least he came home all smiles!

Sorry KayTar is sick already. No big surprise, but no fun either. Poor sweets. Hope she's feeling better today!

PS My word verification is: gagaruck. As in I sure hope KayTar isn't gagarucking!