As for normalcy, well, if you think your kid might be approaching normal, spending a weekend surrounded by neuro-typical kids at a water park might weaken those illusions just a tad. KayTar was consistently outpaced and outmaneuvered by kids up to three years her junior, little 18 month old toddlers jaunting around far quicker and steadier on their feet than she. On our (oh so sloooow) way up the stairs to the water slides we were elbowed and pushed and passed by 3.7 million children. Of course, she doesn't notice, so it wasn't a big deal. The park was also VERY noisy, which means KayTar couldn't hear us at all. With her one functioning ear, she can't filter out ambient noise and hone in on the important sounds, she also can't discern which direction sounds are coming from. We'd have to run over and touch her to get her attention and then speak directly into her ear if she went too far or if we had to tell her anything. There was also the little issue of light sensitivity. Even so, she's light years ahead of where we thought she would be by now and we manage within our constraints QUITE well. We are a well-oiled, if slightly off-kilter, machine. We all had an amazing time together!

It was great fun all around and we're already looking forward to our next vacation in a little less than a month. Until then it is back to grind, tonight my new math session starts, the next two Saturdays are filled with swim meets for BubTar, then we have family coming to stay with us. It has been a busy summer, but I think it is passing at just the right pace, plenty of time for both work and relaxation.
How unbelievably cool is that picnic basket of water???
But if anyone needed a break, it was you! And I mean that in the best possible way ;)
that place looks like a blast!
I love that pic of bubtar on the slide with kaytar coming down in the back...awesome!
So much fun!! I need to check that place out.
What great photos! I'm so glad you all had so much fun.
Good for you guys! I'm jealous of every bit of it....
It sounds like a great trip! I think it's very cool that you managed to find a bit of time to read a novel, even. (Or half of one.) What book? (Not that I'm likely to know it, seeing as I never read these days...)
great photos! Great trip! No matter the limitations, what matters how far she has come and how much you can now do together.
I just totally love your kids
Yay! I'm just glad YOU had some relaxation, too!
Looks like great fun! Something about kids and water parks just mesh.
Oh what a fun trip!!
The water wings are awesome. As is the giant picnic basket. Little G would love that.
Question is...what half novel did you read??
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