KayTar broke my heart a bit yesterday when I was getting her ready for school. When it was time to put on her glasses and hearing aid she said, "But princesses don't have glasses and ears (hearing aid)!" Oooof, my heart. Poor dearie, it was easier when she didn't notice those things. Of course I told her that princesses can and do wear those things, but at age 3 what mom says doesn't matter nearly as much as what she sees in her Disney Princess book. Damn you Disney and your princesses with 20/20 vision and average hearing thresholds. Heh. I didn't really think we'd be struggling with body image and the media quite this early. Of course, I did some searching around and found one book with a bespectacled princess, but not much else. Why not? Boys with glasses looking for a superhero to adore have both Clark Kent and Peter Parker. Superman AND Spiderman! Girls? Nothing. Not even the bookish Belle wears glasses. There has to be a market here, my three year old cannot be the first child to declare her daily accessories deem her unfit for princessdom. It also reminded me of a couple of years ago when BubTar told a classmate, "I only want friends WITHOUT glasses." I remember crying when he told me that, crying for his poor little classmate and his mom, and for my KayTar who would one day be the kid who looked a little different. At the time she only had her little purple ear, but she's got the glasses, too. Now we've arrived at the day when she realizes it makes her different.
The day got better, though, because after school her teacher told me she pooped on the potty! ON THE POTTY AT SCHOOL! This is the stuff mommybloggers dream of, no? I told her if she can use the potty every day at school, then she can get some fancy new pull-ups (with Dora Who Isn't Deaf or The Princesses of Excellent Eyesight on them, I'm sure) and she hugged me and said, "You LOVE me, Mommy!" and then giggled maniacally. I wouldn't usually think of disposable underpants as a symbol of my love, but there you have it. The three year old mind is highly entertaining.
As further evidence that a three year old mind is highly entertaining, I leave you with a couple of recent quotes from KayTar:
While driving to camp,
"And I will wear a costume and it will be a blue dress and I will be Cinderella Blue and I will be the Highness of Style."
While staying with my parents,
K: I'm going to buy a pink car.
Josh: But where will you get the money?
K: I take it from G's room!
She had been snatching change from my mother's bedside table. Sneaky (and honest) little thief.